Thursday, October 24, 2013

Should world leaders read fiction?

Answer the following in a well-written paragraph of at least five sentences with a good topic sentence and a good conclusion: Does reading fiction make better leaders? What can leaders get from fiction? How can this impact the way(s) they lead and/or people respond to them? Why is this necessary (or is it necessary) for someone to lead well? From where (and from whom) should leaders get their reading choices? What books would you recommend to our country's leaders?

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Is the mob dispersal believable?

Some critics find Scout's performance and the dispersal of the mob in Chapter 15 of TKaM to be unconvincing and too pat (easy). What do you think? Did Harper Lee make this situation believable, or does it seem contrived (made-up)? Answer in a well-written paragraph of at least five sentences, and then respond to at least two of your classmates' posts.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Are nonviolent solutions always the best solutions?

When discussing the town's reaction to his defense of Tom Robinson, Atticus tells Scout in Chapter 9 of TKaM, " ' just hold your head high and keep your fists down...Try fighting with your head for a change..."(p.101) Why or why shouldn't people resist violence in all cases and at all costs? Feel free to use any anecdotal evidence from the novel, non-violent resistance movements in history (led by Gandhi, MLK), and your own experience to support your opinion. Write a paragraph of at least five sentences and then respond to two classmates in at least one well-written sentence for each.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Should parents have a say in marriage?

Should parents have a say about whom their children marry? Should parental approval be a requirement for children under certain ages? Should parental permission ever be a requirement? Should arranged marriages (allowing parents to pick whom their children will marry) ever be allowed? Why is involving parents in the marital selections of their kids a good or bad idea? How would you react to your parents' expressed desires to choose your future husband or wife?

Answer these questions in a well-written paragraph of at least five sentences. Then, respond (in at least one complete sentence) to the posts of at least two of your classmates.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Should leaders read fiction?

Answer the following in a well-written paragraph of at least five sentences with a good topic sentence and a good conclusion: Does reading fiction make better leaders? What can leaders get from fiction? How can this impact the way(s) they lead and/or people respond to them? Why is this necessary (or is it necessary) for someone to lead well? From where (and from whom) should leaders get their reading choices? What books would you recommend to our country's leaders?