Answer the following in a well-written paragraph of at least five sentences with a good topic sentence and a good conclusion:
Does reading fiction make better leaders? What can leaders get from fiction? How can this impact the way(s) they lead and/or people respond to them? Why is this necessary (or is it necessary) for someone to lead well? From where (and from whom) should leaders get their reading choices? What books would you recommend to our country's leaders?
It doesn't matter if they read fiction or not. If you like to read what is there to stop you? And is it problematic that they want to read what they like? If they are reading a good book, one with a good story, good characters, and a good message it shouldn't matter if it is fiction or not. There are a ton of brilliant, inspirational books out there that are fictions. I understand why it could be considered bad. That they aren't reading books about real life. But that doesn't change it. I would recommend that they read both fiction and non-fiction books. Not only do they get to read what they like. They get quite a variety of different books and stories. So, it is fine for people in a chair of leadership to read fiction. But they also need to keep an open mind. \
Hey Circe, would you rather have a leader read fiction or non-fiction and why?
Delete-Zachary Avjean
I concur, Circe. I believe a person should be able to read what they want. And that opportunity is indeed present. And a leader isn't criticized for reading a fiction book if it is truly for their own enjoyment. So, I think you misconstrued the question...
DeleteI agree that you should be able to read whatever you want, its your choice of interest...
Zachary, I think they should read both. They can both be inspirational to them. So my answer to your question would be, Both!
No one is forcing anyone to read anything, of course people should be able to read what they want. Thats already true. But if people don't push other people to read things they might not pick up on their own, then people will be ignorant and closed to other opinions.
DeleteGabe Gravagno
If they want to read fiction they can, it may change the way they think about a situation.
21) Although most people believe only nonfiction can make a better person, fiction also has its advantages. Fiction can make better leaders; leaders can gain imagination and a wider point of view from reading fiction because it allows more types of stories, It broadens someone's horizon. This impacts the way they lead by allowing them to accept more responses and giving more creative ideas. It's necessary for someone to lead well because we depend on them to take us to a better future. Many people believe leaders should read only certain types of literature but ideas can sprout from anything as long as one has an open mind. I'm not sure what types of books I would recommend to our country's leaders.
ReplyDeleteI completely agree!!! When A person reads fiction it gives them the imagination to learn and create new things!!!!
I agree because having a more wide point of view allows the leader to have more ideas for the future.
DeleteI also agree! Imagination and creativity are great aspects to have as a leader.
DeleteI agree with you because leaders should widen their choice of reading to not only non- fiction, but fiction as well.
I would have to agree also, you need a verity of thinking,
I believe that reading fiction makes better leaders. Reading fiction allows you to put yourself in someone else's shoes. For example, when reading a book about a hard time in history it makes you feel sympathetic. If you are a leader, you are only used to the life that you live and might not know about real struggle. This is necessary because it allows a wealthy person to put themselves in a poor person shoes. I would recommend a book about a person that is in debt and has to pay all of their earned money to the government to a leader of our country. In conclusion, if all leaders read fiction once and a while our world would be a much better place.
ReplyDelete-Zachary Avjean
1. Like i said in mine, if they person reading the book and its a biography about him or herself that might give them some facts on how they are leading, if everyone says their a bad leader, they might change since it is a real fact
DeleteHey Zachie, I agree with you, especially when you say a wealthy person could put themselves in a poor persons shoes. What a great thought yah smart monkey.
DeleteI also strongly agree with Zach because fiction makes the reader put themselves in the writers shoes. It makes the reader realize what other people could go through. Also I agree that a book that is about the struggle to make dues and has to give all their money to Government. It is very important to have the leaders think about how much we want to deny giving our hard earned money to them. When all the government does is put us in even more debt. -Joe Hall
DeleteI love this! " Allows you to put yourself in someone else's shoes." I agree.
Delete# 11
I agree with you, if someone has never experienced a struggle and they don't know how it feels, reading a fiction book might change them in a way.
DeleteI agree with you, Zach, because it'd make them feel for how others might feel.
21) I agree with your comment because it doesn't matter what type of book it is because everything has a special message in it.
ReplyDelete1 I believe that if leaders read fiction books, there might be a small difference but only if the right book was read. If they read a fiction bullying book they might like it but it probably will not help the government or something. If the book was a biography about the person reading it, there might be a change since it is real people talking about s/he so if its bad they might change their ways. Leaders can get real life facts about the world not some made up story. If the united states had a bad leader, badder than it is now there would be much more debt, problems, and everything bad. I really don't know any fiction writers or books, Sorry Fornnarino.
ReplyDelete15) I agree that certain fiction books would have a better effect than others, but I also think that if they read the book with an open mind and try to find a message, they will. The message they find could likely be applied to their position as a world leader because if they notice and acknowledge the problem, they can work to change things so that it isn't a problem anymore.
Delete6...Reading fiction doesn't always make better leaders. The leaders can get a better understanding about different types of fiction. While reading fiction, it could help broaden their mind on new things.It's necessary for someone to lead well, because they influence the people around them. Leaders should get their reading choices at random, so they have a variety of books. I would recommend a book about previous economic history.
ReplyDelete21) I agree with leaders reading whatever type of literature.
DeleteI agree. leaders should choose what they want to read.
DeleteLeaders should read fiction. Leaders should read fiction because the far fetched events in the book allow them think how much they can do in the real world. The imagination fiction brings dreams and makes them in to reality. People will respond probably with a question like,"How will you make it happen?" This question should only be responded with " If you believe it can happen, then it can!" This will make this person be a great leader because it will show people that they believe they can improve on anything. I would recommend our country leaders to read a book with a lot of passion that gives them great belief. I wouldn't recommend anything more specific, because they need to find a book that they find interesting themselves to be able to connect it with their leading.
ReplyDelete1. I agree with you mataya, if i were a leader and HAD to read books, i would pick fiction since its real not fake
DeleteHey Mataya, I agree when you say our country leaders should read a book with a lot of passion that gives them great belief. Would you recommend Life of Pi to the president?
DeleteI agree with you Mataya that our leaders need some fun reading and we need some imagination in our leaders reading.
Delete-Johnny Brown
Angelo Martinez-In my opinion fiction can only have a positive impact on leaders if they allow it to. Yann Martel describes fictional reading as having a positive impact on leaders. I agree with him because of the way he talks about dreams. He says in the interview that leaders are the ones the have the ability to make a change. He also says that they wont have the inspiring dreams or a good imagination to come up with ideas for a change if they aren't readers of fiction. Especially when he said the middle aged men are the main people of the earth and they read the least, that made me agree that fiction is a great thing for any types of leaders. Reading fictional books could have a more positive impact on lives then I thought originally.
ReplyDeleteI completely agree with you Angelo, if you wan't to change the world you need to persuade the leaders and a good way to do that is by making them read about bad times.
Delete-Zachary Avjean
I strongly agree with Angelo, It is only positive for the leaders to read fiction if they allow it to have a positive impact on them. That is so very true! Also I agree with him and Yann Martel because reading fiction is how they can change their dreams and how they look at economical tragedies. -Joe Hall
DeleteI agree that books can only help leaders. - morgan evans
DeleteReading fiction does make a leader better. Fiction explores the imagination of both the reader and the writer. Expanding one's imagination opens up so much more and a leader will definitely prosper from it. A person must have good leadership skills in order to guide other. Good leadership skills would include: integrity, wisdom, knowledge, and people skills. A leader should get their reading choices from everywhere. Most every pieces of literature provides some sort of knowledge. I would recommend The Good Earth to our country's leaders. This book provides numerous life lessons as well as a few examples of what NOT to do as a leader.
ReplyDeleteJade, I agree! If you read more you can learn more!
6. I agree with the comment of fiction exploring the imagination of the reader and author. I also agree that a leader has to have good leadership qualities to lead others.
DeleteI agree that fiction does explore ones imagination...
I agree that fiction does give the reader knowledge because even though the events didn't happen, the reader thinks of it as a real event. It could remind them that just like a fiction book, the futures events has not yet happened but anything can.
Delete6... I also agree with that comment, because no matter if the book is fiction or non the book still sends it's message.
ReplyDelete#14 aka Joe Hall is a beast!!!!!
ReplyDeleteAfter watching Yann Martel talk about fiction correlating with leaders leadership, I strongly believe leaders need fiction! He made it clear in many ways why leaders should read fiction. His reasoning that changed my mind is that some fiction may be about important topics. For example, if all leaders read about slavery, they will feel more sympathy for those people. Also, If all leaders read about the holocaust they would have more sympathy for those people. To my leaders I would recommend any book on how past presidents have kept us out of debt.
(|_|16|_|)I agree with Mr.Hall because i think it is a wise decision for world leaders to read about slavery and holocaust so that in turn they feel sympathetic, and strongly protest slavery and prejudices and racism.
DeleteI agree that our leaders need fiction. But how would reading fiction help keep us out of debt????
Delete-Johnny Brown
15) I agree, Joe. Fiction and non-fiction are both very important for world leaders to understand the world and the issues occurring in it,
Deletethe holocaust wasn't fiction and neither is slavery
DeleteOf course world leaders should read fiction. How could anyone not read fiction? It creates a whole new world where anything can happen. You often get most of your dreams from fiction. How do people have an interesting reality if they don't have fictional and creative dreams? Most everyone's reality comes from their dreams. Maybe they're dreaming about what they wanna be when they grow up or even about the person they like. World leaders should read fictional books like Life of Pi, Tale of Despereaux, etc because it shows them that there is a whole new world.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Yann Martel's opinion because its true, books do give people a part of their personality. Whether you read happy, adventurous books or dark, scary books, you'll always pic up new personality. If you read books on leaders from the past you'll learn what mistakes you shouldn't make or what you should do to get people to like you. Then you'll be a god leader and make people happy.
ReplyDeleteWorld leaders should read many things pertaining to the world including fiction. This is true because what you read and how you read influences your personality, Reading fiction increases everyone's imagination which could could be beneficial to world leaders because they would have the capacity to think of new ideas that could greatly impact the world. Fiction would help leaders dream and when world leaders dream, their dreams can turn into a spectacular reality. This is necessary because without odd new amazing ideas, things wouldn't change or improve. I also agree that without reading, their ideas could be coming from anywhere and they wouldn't be able to learn new things. These leaders should get book choices from renowned librarians and I would recommend any books that have a strong message about morals or ethics.
I agree with you, 15. That sounds so mysterious, hah. Reading a non fiction book will benefit anyone, especially a leader because they have responsibilities to other people.
DeleteI think that our leaders should read fiction books. I think that because of what the man on the show said and I agree that without fiction and reading fiction stories it makes it hard for you to have dreams because all your exposed to is hard cold facts and it sort of means that you don't have a fun and exciting reading life. I don't know if it would make you better leader but it might because you could want to be like a fictional character. This could also help them lead because it could give the leader someone to want to be like. I don't have any specific stories that I would want our leaders to read but I know that it could help the leaders have a more active imagination.
ReplyDelete-Johnny Brown
DeleteThe man on the show happens to be the other of that book we're reading. It's strange that we would be watching one of his videos AND reading his book. Coincidence? I think not! Anyway, I agree will your ideas to a certain extent. I think that fiction books would help a leader only if it had good influences. So, a leader should not try to identify with the characters in the book unless they are worthy of being a good influence.
Judd Moon
# 11
ReplyDeleteI honestly think reading fiction makes a better leader. I know fiction is can be knowledgeable and I also think that reading fiction makes you a wiser person. Leaders could get a lot of different information depending on what they are reading. Reading fiction will impact how they think about things and how they think differently about things. It is very necessary for someone to lead well because being a leader means you have follower who look up to you. Followers will act like you, try and think like you. Leaders should get their reading choice from anywhere as long as its fiction.
(|_|~|_|-|_|16|_-|_|~|_|) Reading does make leaders better because it opens them to many possible ideas. Leaders can get inspiration and they can get a wider imagination based off of the fiction they read. This can impact the way they lead positively or negatively based off of the leader and if they get heinous ideas or not and all the people will have different responses to the way the Leader leads and acts. It's necessary to lead well because it affects the people,country,and everyone else in the world because globally, others could start wars with the country because they don't agree with how they're leading. Leaders don't need a specific place to get their reading choices but instead just decide for themselves but they shouldn't get negative books. I would recommend futuristic books in a world of mixed utopia/dystopia where there's peace and prosperity yet not harsh ruled cities and countries.
DeleteI disagree with you, because if you don't know war you cant protect peace. I don't consider books with war harsh but filled with some truth and warnings from the author.
30. When asked "should world leaders read fiction?" I thought to myself, why should they? I honestly don't think that reading fiction has much effect on political views. I mean, yes it can give you other views and ideas on life or what to do, but I don't think that say for example a president is going to call off a war because he /she read Twilight. I don't think it is necessary to lead well.
ReplyDelete(20). I agree with #30's comment because reading fiction books can't make a difference on political views. But I do think that it is necessary to lead well because people depend on it.
DeleteI am #17...I disagree with #30's comment because
Deletenot all books are like Twilight. Some books are really good and can be really influential.
4) I understand 30, but I think there has to be a certain book and a certain person for a fiction book to affect them.
DeleteJon Gutierrez-
ReplyDeleteI agree with Zachary Avjean because it true, reading fiction does help you see different perspectives in other peoples shoes. It exposes people to new opinions and ideas.
10....I believe that reading fiction does not affect the type of leader someone is. Leaders can learn from fiction, but fiction won't affect what kind of leader you are. I do not think that fiction can impact the ways they lead and or people respond to them. I believe that it is necessary to lead well. If someone doesn't lead well, what is the point of leading in the first place? If leaders want to find out where to get a good fiction book, they should look for writers who can develop a book properly, and the book is understandable. I do not have any books I would recommend to our country's leaders...
ReplyDelete(20). I agree with this comment because the kind of book they read doesn't really make a difference in what kind leaders they are.
Delete(20). In my opinion, reading fictional or non-fictional books doesn't affect leaders by making them better. Leaders can get moral teachings reading fictional books, but this does not impact the way they lead a country. It is necessary for someone to lead a country because many people might depend on them. Leaders should get their reading choices from themselves because the books you read are personal. Therefore, leaders should be able to choose the books you want to read, fictional or not. I would recommend country leaders to read both fictional and non-fictional books because you can get a lot of benefits from both.
ReplyDelete(16||||||||||)I agree Jesus, books don't completely change world leaders but they make themselves better. Also i agree Leaders should choose which ever books they prefer!
DeleteJon Gutierrez-
ReplyDeleteI agree with Angelo because reading will make positive leaders. It will make people see what people dont like and what they do.
22..Reading fiction does not make better leaders. Leaders can only get fake and crazy ideas about how to rule the country. stupid people will think that they are good ideas but smart people will realize that it wont work. leaders should get their reading choices from the non-fiction section of the library. for the countries leaders I would recommend any book that has to do with leadership.
ReplyDelete22, non fiction is all fact with no passion, and non fiction has no opinions, so how can a leader lead if he/she doesn't take into consideration other peoples opinions.
Delete10. 22- I agree with this leaders can get fake and crazy ideas.
Delete12. While I believe that reading strictly fiction is not a great idea, as it could lead to leaders being delusional or not putting money where the mouth is, but it is certainly good to read fiction, especially world leaders, This is because fiction allows the mind to become more open and creative. Open minds are important for any leader because empathy allows them to be more understanding of other country's troubles and the people's troubles as well. This allows them to understand the people better, and pass laws that are for the people, as the government should be for the people. Open minded qualities are especially important for leading. Leaders should be open-minded about their reading choices, and I would highly recommend them reading books with views that are polar opposites to theirs. For our country's leaders, I would highly recommend books from the points of immigrants, same sex couples, rape victims, and people from the Middle East. Overall, I believe reading fiction is a staple for any leader.
DeleteI disagree with you, because if you say is true we will only have biographies and autobiographies, even those cant always be true. You an imagination to build a world not just facts.
I don't quite agree either, because reading only fiction can help them deal more with social issues.
ReplyDeleteReading fiction can and can't make better leaders. If a leader read The Cat in the Hat his leadership wouldn't change. If a leader read a book about The Holocaust or Slavery, (as Yann Martel said) the leader would feel sympathy about the people in the book and change in a small way. It depends on the book the leader reads and how they feel about it. Reading friction can change a leader, but only if they read the right book and feel a certain way about the topic of the book.
4. I agree with Hernan because the Holocaust or Slavery is a touching event that affected millions of people while The Cat in the Hat is just.. Not very touching.
Delete26. Fiction allows a leader, or anyone, to be someone else, go somewhere else, in someother time. This can impact the way people respond to them simply by them telling their favorite book. Someone can get a thought about how the leader thinks and feels, simply by their favorite boook. A book that I would recomend to our countries leaders is The Giver, because it is a good book that takes you not only to another place and time, but a place and time out of this world. It forces you think out of the box. Reading fiction would make better leaders.
ReplyDelete10. 26- I agree with fiction allows a leader, or anyone to be someone else.
ReplyDeleteWhether you chose to read fiction or non-fiction doesn't make you a leader. Leaders can get different things reading from both. But reading fiction can make more knowlege to lead,reading about true stuff. I believe readers read whatever they like and it should matter. I can recommend country leaders to read fiction.
Reading is a powerful thing that can inspire us to do incredible things, and in fiction anything is possible in the book. So should our leaders read books that they're given to read. I believe that reading in general help people under stand how are other people are in their shoes. So reading a good book can help people build smithy to others. This will help them reach the demands of others making this an very necessary in leading skills. I personally think our leaders should read The Outsiders and Speak, and have our schools decide on what our leaders read. In conclusion our leaders should read fiction because it help our leader open their minds to new ideas.
ReplyDeleteInspirations comes in the form of an art, and I would agree that reading is an art. Inspirations enables expression, and the individuality brought about the human race.
DeleteI agree completely because reading inspires.
DeleteI agree that anyone should be able to read whatever book they want to read. What thy read doesn't affect what there personality. Even if they read fiction it doesn't change them. Leaders can get good things both from fiction and non-fiction .This will somehow the way lead because what you read is depending on your knowledge if you know facts or myths but it still should be your choice to read one or the other. Its important for people to be good leaders because they can have people who look up to them. People should be able to get knowledge from non-fiction.
ReplyDeleteI disagree, when one is inspired, they may make different decisions. Most would agree that decisions effect how people look at us, and how we look at ourselves as individuals.
DeleteGabe Gravagno
ReplyDeleteAll books, including all fiction, have morals and lessons woven into them. When children are young, the read fables to teach to not go into the woods because of the big bad wolf, or to share and work hard. Why should we ever stop reading stories to teach us things? If a leader reads a story about another leader and how he governs his group, then it will teach him to be a better leader; every author has a diffrent opinion, so the more leaders read, the more opinions they will be open to.
I agree, and I like the way you put that into words!!
DeleteI agree. A proficient leader needs the knowledge of morals and lessons.
DeleteReading is knowledge, and knowledge is power we use, to shape the "reality" of our lives. Power causes movement and change; in order to change more things, you need more power. Therefore if you have more knowledge, the better you can shift/change things to your benefit. Reading both fiction and nonfiction, provides room for imagination, and facts, to define possibility. Without reading about theories that haven't been proven correct.. how do you expect to prove them wrong?
ReplyDeleteMatthew Mendez: @Caleb O, I agree with you because knowledge is very powerful.
Delete@Gabe , I agree with you too because moral/lessons help you with the real world.
I agree, you do need knowledge all around on all things to be a good leader.
DeleteMatthew Mendez:
ReplyDeleteI think world leaders should read fiction. I think this because reading is really good for you and you can learn more knowledge. Even though fiction is "fake", you still can learn more and being a world leader can help them realize the differences of reality and fake. The kids in the schools would look up to the world leaders if they read books especially if they read for fun. I would recommend the book The Outsiders because it is a very good and interesting book. I actually think everyone should read that book. This is why I think world leaders should read fiction books.
I feel that world leaders should explore all types of books, and they should be able to read what they want. Yann Martel makes an excellent point when he says, "Books shape our lives". The books they read can give them good ideas on how to lead our world to a more peaceful environment. If they read books that are about making peace, it could inspire them to make a change in the world we live in today. The leaders should read fiction, because the inspiration to make a change can't come from a book full of facts. Something as incredible as what is happening to Pi isn't believable; that's what inspires people. At the end of the day anyone (even world leaders) should be able to read fiction.
ReplyDeleteReading fiction does make better leaders. Leaders can get knowledge and imagination from it. This can impact the way they lead by having more creativity and widen their opportunity for decisions. This is necessary for a leader to lead well because it gives their followers more choices and will probably make them like the leader more. The books I would recommend for our country's leaders are Speak and The Outsiders.
I am #17....In my opinion I think that leaders should read because reading can help you in many ways. Reading is a way of learning about new things and opening your mind to dream about new things. If you dream about different and new things it gives you the chance to want new things and strive to do something. Without reading you wouldn't strive to change things. If our politicians never strived to want new things, our world would never improve. My favorite book right now is "Speak" I would definitely recommend this book for several reasons. One, it is just a good book in general; and two, it good give our politicians an incite on what happens everyday to kids all around. Reading should be required.
ReplyDelete1. I believe that reading in general betters a person and fiction for me helps me forget about the things in reality and helps me think about different perspectives. Reading can inspire us to do many things and can help us think in different ways. I honestly don't understand why fiction can make you a better leader , because fiction just helps you escape and you are in a story where anything is possible. When you're a leader like the president , when you read fiction then its fictional and then you are thinking more about fictional things that can't always happen. It's necessary for leaders to lead well because we look up to the people who lead us . Leaders should read books that interests them and book that can better them in some way. I recommend speak to our country's leader because it shows the struggles of young girls and women in general.
ReplyDelete1. I believe that reading in general betters a person and fiction for me helps me forget about the things in reality and helps me think about different perspectives. Reading can inspire us to do many things and can help us think in different ways. I honestly don't understand why fiction can make you a better leader , because fiction just helps you escape and you are in a story where anything is possible. When you're a leader like the president , when you read fiction then its fictional and then you are thinking more about fictional things that can't always happen. It's necessary for leaders to lead well because we look up to the people who lead us . Leaders should read books that interests them and book that can better them in some way. I recommend Speak for our country's leaders because it shows the struggle for women.
ReplyDeleteI like yours because its a very true statement and you were on topic and wrote really good.
Delete4. I believe that you can be a leader even if you don't read fiction books. I'm sure that some of the greatest leaders do not or didn't read. Especially fiction books. However, I do agree that leaders should read fiction books so that they can have an open mind about a wide variety of situations and can look at past events or situations that have occurred. The way this can impact how they lead is by understanding other peoples thoughts for necessary causes. Some books I would recommend are ones that involve catastrophic events or social issues.
ReplyDeleteI agree because understanding other people can help better understand what you want for the world.
Delete29. Sofia Montoya:
ReplyDeleteWould you rather read about a fantasy kingdom, or a true story about a family living during the Holocaust? Both would be interesting to read, but one is definitely more realistic than the other. World leaders should read fiction because I believe that fiction gives you creativity. I always loved reading children's books like "Where the Wild Things Are," and Mother Goose stories. I also enjoyed reading biography's and auto-biography's as well. Both teaches you a moral through out the book, which is always good to know. World leaders should read fiction... because it opens our minds.
20. I like yours because the way you wrote it sounded like a professional writer and that you knew what you were writing about.
DeleteYour right, leaders need an open mind towards our world and that is a main thing that helps our world
DeleteAnyone should be able to read fiction; even if it's a world leader. There are people that don't think that word leaders should be able to read fiction, because the world leaders should live in the real world. The problem with that is that we live in a world without inspiration, and non-fiction books have no inspiration at all. World leaders need inspiration to do things to make a peaceful environment. Therefore world leaders should be aloud to read fiction.
ReplyDeleteI am #17...I agree that anyone should be able to read and be able to read whatever they want, regardless of who they are.
DeleteI agree with you Sam because leaders do need that sense of inspiration and living in a world of only boring and non eventful experiences does not make a great leader
Delete10. Reading fiction doesn't always make better leaders. What leaders can get from reading friction is bad ideas and good ideas, they can get good stuff that can make them a good leader but it can also get them ideas that make them a bad leader. How this can impact the way they lead, is that they can lead a way people don't like at all, or they can lead a way that people do like. It is necessary for someone to lead well, because there leaders for a reason and being a leader and leading well looks good. People should get there reading choices from someone that is really into reading. The book I would recommend is To Kill A Mocking Bird.
ReplyDelete29. Sofia Montoya:
DeleteI do sort of agree with this, however, I believe that reading fiction creates more creativity among the person reading. I don't understand how they can get necessarily bad ideas from it, but yes... you can't always apply your reading to reality.
i agree with your statement, but reading fiction effects your imagination for better ideas.
Delete20. Whether you read non-fiction or fiction doesn't mean you are a better leader. If you read fiction your getting knowledge, but still doesn't mean your a better leader. This can impact the ways they lead by telling stuff that isn't exactly true, like if you were to read something out of a non-fiction book and tell someone something, that would most likely be true. It is necessary for someone to lead well because if the don't lead well, then they are not showing people good examples. Leaders should get there reading choices from a non-fiction book.
ReplyDeleteFiction is a way for imagination and better ideas that will help you throughout life. Reading fiction does actually help leaders because it gives them ideas and better understandings in general. Leaders can get newer and fresher ideas from fiction. The more a leader know the more people will think they are worthy of being a leader. It is very necessary for someone to lead well because people look up to them. They should get their reading choices from very known and big important libraries. I would recommend The Life of Pi to the countries leaders
Reading gives the power to inspire, and as a result gives people new creativity in their lives. Creativity can give ideas on how to lead people, allowing them to lead in new and original ways. If everyone read the same book, then there wouldn't be much difference in their ways of leading. If everyone reads different books, then there will be uniqueness in there abilities. I might recommend the book "Last Book in the Universe" to some of my political leaders.
ReplyDelete~Alex M.
29. Sofia Montoya:
DeleteAlex, I totally agree with your statement because it is so true. Reading fiction creates creativity among the person reading, and that it is good to have/read a variety of books.
ReplyDeleteFiction is a form of imagination, "out of the box" thinking, and the work of exploration through thought. Leaders need this open imagination of reading to pursue better ideas and contribute to open minded debates, speeches, etc. Leaders can take away a lot from fiction novels, but personally I think imagination is the most important aspect of fiction reading because leaders need that sense of experience and diverse change opposed to staying in the boring grey areas of facts, and knowledge. Leaders can take so much away from fiction especially leaders taking advantage of the different forms of thought written by a creative mind over just common information. Leaders can take peoples ideas and work with those ideas differently from reading fiction over just non-fiction. A leader with skill to lead many people or only a group of people is so important and greatly important because without a leader there is no way for us to keep the group or citizens intact. I would recommend country leaders to read Life of Pi because it gives off diverse emotions, understandment, and overall a very fictional book that changes perspective.
I like your statements and agree with you.
DeleteIt is in fact better for leaders to read fiction. Leaders can gain society's perspective, and the messages they want to convey to the world through their book. I think fiction books can be used to also motivate leaders to a certain fictional icon or idea. Its necessary for people to lead well because they are leaders, and people look up to leaders for guidance. If you're not a good leader, there will be poor guidance to the following people. Leaders should explore on their own and lead themselves to the choice of books they like. I recommend The Hunger Games because is a society people think we are leading up to, but we can use the book as motivation to stop it from happening.
ReplyDelete#12 If that person wants to read fiction or non-fiction books they can. I think that it would show that person different kinds of thinking. But if they do chose to read fiction it does not change them as a person, but it may change the way they think or act towards someone or something. If that person has a interested in fiction books then they way they think about situations might be different to a person who only reads non-fiction. The people that read fiction books that are also leaders may believe that a way of doing things should be in a more layback way and the non-fictional reader and leaders my just go on factual information. Either way both ways of thinking does not mean one is right way or wrong. Overall if the leader wants to read fiction they can.
ReplyDeleteReading would be quite helpful I think when it comes to leaders. If they were to read fiction and non-fiction books then it might help them to be open minded about other ideas. It would help them to see from different perspectives of people. I think that if leaders were to read more novels, like Yann Martel said about slavery and or similar situations of what people have gone through, it might change their mind on certain ideas.