Sunday, September 29, 2013

What are some examples of figurative language from Chapters 37-42 (or as much as you've read) of LoP?


  1. "I landed with a trampoline-like bounce" is a simile. Pg. 105

    "I woke up to what I was doing." is a, i think, a form of hyperbole. Pg. 99

  2. One example of figurative language is on page 97 "It made a sound like a monstrous metallic burp." This is an example of a simile. Another example of figurative language is on page 105. " kwa-ha-ha, kwa-ha-ha, kwa-ha-ha." This is an example of onomatopoeia. An example of personification is "It froze my blood- and then brought a slight measure of relief."

  3. "It was black and cold and 'in a rage.' " Personification. Pg. 106

    "It made a sound like a monstrous metallic burp." Simile. Pg. 97

  4. Some examples of figurative language in chapters 37-39 include, "Waves were reaching up, and their white foam, caught by the wind, was being whipped against the side of the ship" (102). "Everything was screaming: the sea, the wind, my heart" (97). "The sun shone, rain fell, winds blew, currents flowed, the sea built up hills, the sea dug up valleys-the Tsimtsum did not care. It moved with the slow massive confidence of a continent" (100).

  5. Onomatopoeia: " TREEEEEE! TREEEEEE! TREEEEEE! "
    Page: 97

  6. I stood nailed to the spot...

    -Jon G.

  7. It was as unbelievable as the moon catching fire.

    -Jon G.

  8. Some figurative language from chapters 37-42 are,
    Simile: it made a sound like a monstrous metallic burp. pg 97
    Hyperbole: Everything was screaming. pg 97
    I'm tossing and turning and soon ill wake up from this nightmare. pg 97

  9. ...the monstrous metallic burp.

    -Jon G.

  10. " The ship sank. It made a sound like a monstrous metallic burp"
    Page: 97

  11. ...but i dismissed the sight as illusion crafted by rain and shadow.

    - Jon G.

  12. " Everything was screaming: the sea, the wind, my heart. "
    Page: 97

  13. Everything was screaming the sea, the wind, my heart.


  14. "It made a sound like a monstrous burp."
    "Everything was screaming: the sea, the wind, my heart."
    "I was not wounded in any part of my body, but I had never experienced such intense pain, such a ripping of the nerves, such an ache of the heart."
    "My heart was chilled to ice."

  15. Example(s) of figurative language: It made a sound like a monstrous metallic burp

  16. Similes: "I landed with a trampoline-like bounce on the half-unrolled tarpaulin covering a lifeboat forty feet below."(105) "It made a sound like a monstrous metallic burp" (pg. 97 or 104) "We slept like babies" (pg. 101)
    Personification: "I felt the gratitude and relief welling up inside me" (104) "The water around him was shifting wildly" (pg. 97) "Everything was screaming: The sea the wind my heart. " (pg. 97)

    Janae Brown Date: Humpday!!!!! Whoop Whoop

  17. There are several examples of figurative language in these recent chapters we read. One is that early in the first paragraph of chapter 37, there was an example of personification and simile. In the same chapter, there are several examples of hyperbole/metaphors (My heart was chilled to ice. I felt ill with grief.) In chapter 37, Pi also gives Richard Parker (a tiger) encouragement like he would a human, and also treated like a human until remembering he was a tiger. In chapter 38, page 125, there was a portion where the ship was compared to a continent (a simile). On the same page, there was an example of hyperbole, and more personification. Throughout the chapters, there are multiple examples of hyperboles, personification, similes, and metaphors.

  18. Similes:"I landed with a trampoline-like bounce on half-unrolled tarpaulin covering a lifeboat forty feet below"(105). "It made a sound like a monstrous burp"(97).
    Personifications: "It moved with the slow, massive confidence of a continent"(100).
    -Ashley Craighead

  19. -It made a sound like a monstrous metallic burp ( onomatopoeia )
    -everything was screaming the sea, the wind, my heart ( personification )
    -such a intense pain, such a ripping pain in my nerves, such a ache in my heart

  20. metaphor/personification- pg 97- It made made a monstrous metallic burp
    personification- pg 97- everything was screaming; the sea, the wind, my heart.
    onomatopoeia- pg 97- TREEEEEE!
    onomatopoeia- pg 98- HUMPF!
    Charlotte Verrastro

  21. 1. "The ship shook and there was the sound, the monstrous metallic burp."(104). The author is describing that the sound of the ship was loud, just like a burp.
    2. "My mind could hardly conceive it. It was as unbelievable as the moon catching fire."(103). The author is using a simile to describe how unbelievable was the situation he was in.
    3. "His head was the size and colour of the lifebuoy, with teeth."(99). The author compares the size of the lifebuoy to the size of the tiger's head.
    -Jesus Sanchez-

  22. "It made a sound like a monstrous metallic burp." (97)
    "His head was the size and colour of the lifebuoy, with teeth." (99)
    "What i had before me was a spectacle of wind and water, an earthquake of the senses, that even Hollywood couldn't orchestrate." (103)
    "Richard Parker could shred it with his claws his claws with a little time and effort, but he couldn't pop through it like a jack-in-the-box." (108)

  23. There are a lot of uses of figurative language from Chapters 37-42 of Life of Pi. Three example of similes are, "I landed with a trampoline-like bounce..."(105), "It made a sound like a monstrous metallic burp."(97) and "... we slept like babies."(101) An example of personification are, "Everything was screaming: the sea, the wind, my heart."(97)

  24. "it made a sound like a monstrous metallic burp."(97)
    "everything was screaming: the sea, the wind, my heart."(97)
    ""my heart was chilled to ice."(98)
    "a chimpanzee is like a smaller, leaner gorilla...(100)

  25. Examples of figurative language is when it says on page 29 " It made a sound like a monstruous metallic burp. This is a simile. Also, " Everything was screaming: the sea, the wind, my heart" is figurative language because its an onomatopia.

  26. On page 99 where Pi uses a metaphor comparing himself to "the next goat" being next to Richard Parker, comparing himself to be weak in the present of the great tiger.

  27. Through out the two chapters, the are a few types of figurative language. Some similes are: "I landed with a trampoline-like bounce.." Page 105, "It made a sound like a monstrous metallic burp." Page 109, and ".. we slept like babies." Page 101. I also found some personification in the book such as: "Everything was screaming: the sea, the wind, my heart." Page 97.

  28. On page 97, there is a metaphor " It made a sound like a monstrous metallic burp."

  29. " .. we can throw a question, further than we can pull in an answer" Page 98 " .. no time for frozen shock" Page 99 are also personification. Examples of onomatopoeia are "TREEE-TREEE" , or "HUMPH."

  30. n page 97, "it made a sound like a monstrous metallic burp"
    and on page 99 "the next goat."

  31. Examples of figurative language in chapters 37-39 are,
    1. "Waves were reaching up, and their white foam, caught by the wind, was being whipped against the side of the ship" (102).
    2."Everything was screaming: the sea, the wind, my heart" (97).

  32. Examples of figurative language in chapters 37-39 are,
    1. "Waves were reaching up, and their white foam, caught by the wind, was being whipped against the side of the ship" (102).
    2. "Everything was screaming: the sea, the wind, my heart" (97).

  33. "It made a sound like a monstrous metallic burp" (97).-Simile
    "Everything was screaming, the sea, the wind, my heart' (97).-Personification

  34. Here are some examples of figurative language in chapters 37-39 in The Life of Pi:
    "It made a sound like a monstrous metallic burp" (pg.97).
    "Everything was screaming: the sea, the wind, my heart" (pg.97).
    "My heart was chilled to ice" (pg.98).
    "His head was the size and colour of the lifebuoy, with teeth" (pg.99).
    "The ship vanished into a pinprick hole on my map" (pg.101).
    "Nature can put on a thrilling show"(pg.102).

  35. One example of figurative language is when he talks about loosing his mother. "To loose your mother, well, that is like loosing the sun above you.
